Changing Your Brain
Classes started this week, and like many I've taken so far, it deals largely with how social-emotional learning effects the brain. This fascinating idea of training your mind to the point of changing the way your circuits are wired in the way you handle your emotions for the rest of your life is revolutionary. If you intervene in the behavior of a child, you are literally changing the brain of that child. A thought that is both frightening and empowering. That gray lump of tapioca pudding inside your noggin is so crucial to every aspect of life, that it can be rewired simply by how others train you to react. It's how things like the cycle of violence, the poverty of inner city schools, and bullying all effect how children are able to succeed later on. If children are taught effective strategies in regulating their emotions and responses, they are actually being taught how to rewire their brains to better succeed. Giving them a simple plan like deep...