Roots Run Deep

It snuck up on me today.
 That cold breath that creeps under my rib-cage and sits like a weight on my heart.
Sprouting like a weed on my contentedness. 
I wouldn't call myself lonesome, I have more then enough smiles and company to keep me laughing, but the lack of familiar sometimes creates a gap between who I was and who I'm becoming. 
I find myself longing for the people I know, the rooms that are familiar, and the church services I grew up in. 
Instead everything is new.
From the apartment we live in, to the people who greet us, and the pew that we sit in--nothing is what it was two weeks ago. 
Never did I think that this change would be as unsettling as it has been. 
But when you uproot your life, what can you expect?
In order to grow, sometimes transplanting is inevitable or you'll never be capable to achieve the potential you were meant to be.
Shake off the dirt from where you were and sink your roots deep where you are now. 
If you don't get to decide where you are, you can at least dictate how you will do. 
Choose life. 
Water the life you want to achieve. 
Make those tough choices now that will help you grow strong.
Graft those good people into your life that you want to be more like.
Or don't.
It's up to you.
